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ACPSI attended there from 1947 or 8(memory stutter!)and my first class was a sort of "nursery" which was housed in one of the upstairs "flats", the one above the girl's cloakrooms I think. Does anyone else remember that? I then moved through the school - Class 7 -Miss Luckman, Class 6 - Miss Bracegirdel??? not sure, Class 5 - can't remember, Class 6 - Mrs. Farr or Foggin - can't remember - a large lady who would cane you with a thick stick, holding your left hand and chasing you around in a circle swatting your backside. We were then lucky enough to have Mr. Houghton for Classes 3, 2 and 1. A great teacher who I don't remember ever losing his temper or caning anyone. The Head Mr. Highfield I remember as rather a remote figure of discipline until Class 1 when he took a group of hot-house plants and coached us for the 11+, again in one of the upstairs flats. With great success. names- Dave Naldrett, Barry Rowley, Johnny Somerset, the Pidgeon (? spelling) girls, the Evans' brothers and sisters,more will come back to me I'm sure. A final memory- do you remember going on nature walks in the summer down to the Brook and rolling down Stonier's Bank? If anyone out there remembers me ( I was at the time , a scruffy little herbert!)or my brother Graham, drop me an E-M, Bryan Atherton ex. Longview Avenue Posted by: Bryan Atherton on 09 February, 2002 at 19:20:15