Hi everyone who went toA.C.P.S.I was a pupil from 55-61 when I left for Newcastle High.It's great to have one's memory tweaked though I am sad to hear of the death of Mrs Cresswell,one of my favourite teachers.I remember Miss Luckman,Miss Bracegirdle(my first infatuation)Mrs Cosgrove,Mr Wainwright(a very kind man)and Mr Mellor and Mr Houghton,the best teachers ever.If any of my old classmates are out there please get in touch;remember drinking the frozen milk and melting it on the radiators,the biscuits for sale at playtime,making up the fires in the offices,the outside toilets,playing break the camel's back on the field,playing marbles and conkers near the p.e. apparatus,making slides in the playground,musical movement lessons--I was so bad Mrs Cosgrove threw her shoe at me.Are you out there Ann Barlow,Jane Bebbington,Neil Topliss(?)Christopher Jack,Barry Mansell,Michael and Gillian Potts,Pat Ledward,Margaret Sutton,Pamela Warren,Flo Morris,Dennis Beech and others too numerous to mention.
Posted by: Michael Gray(Mick) on 20 March, 2002 at 22:50:39
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