Alsager County Primary School LettersClass of 68 Photo - Kevin Burn (19 Jan 01)Hello! I hope sending a large attachment doesn't cause any problems, but I thought you might be interested in a class photo I recently dug out. I think it was taken in 1968 and shows my class at Alsager County Primary School. I am fourth from right in the front row, Mr. Highfield the headmaster is on the right at the back.A couple of years ago I wrote to your site mentioning various people I knew during the period 1966-1970 when I lived in the area, and a number have since been in touch for the first time in 30 years! A great site, keep up the good work! Best wishes Kevin Burn Former Residents (26 Mar 99 ) - Don MarshallI, too, am a former resident, and former pupil of Alsager County Primary School (1949 - 52). Reg Highfield was Head. I lived at 10 Lawton Road, opposite the old library, where there is now a supermarket.My Mother, Nan, still alive and well at 89, left Alsager in 1964. I served in Royal Engineers 1964 - 97 (1st 17 yrs as Regular). Readers may remember my good friend Vaughan Unwin (of Sandbach Rd North). He was R Signals for 20'odd years and tragically died in Germany last year after retiring there. Does anyone know the whereabouts of cousins David Wedgewood and Ann Langdon (my next-door neighbour 40 years ago)? Don Marshall Manager Grounds Maintenance, City of Wakefield MDC PSD: (01977 727520) e mail: Alsager 1966-1970 (20 Jan 99)Hello!Great to see your Alsager site. It brought back many (distant!) memories! I attended the County Primary School between 1966 and 1970 (when my parents returned to North East England). I am 36 - my brother Ian who is 38 also attended the school between those dates - so would love to hear from anyone who remembers us. We lived in Bladen Crescent at the time (number 9!). I remember a lot about those days, in spite of being very young at the time, although I am a bit sketchy about names. One of my good pals at the time was Mark Proudfoot, as were Neil and Ian Sutcliffe (who moved away at around the same time as us) whilt other names that spring to mind include Roger Cooper, Andrew Kelso, Andrew Stidiver (sp?), Caroline Kendrick (+ others which elude me, but will no doubt come back to me whilst sitting on the train home this evening!). My teacher when I left in 1970 was Miss Lowes, and I think (though someone might correct me) that Mr Highfield was headmaster (he was a friend of my Dad, who used to meet him in the "13 Club", whatever that is, for a game of snooker on occasion). We always used to have splendid bonfire nights on the waste ground behind Bladen Crescent, which were no doubt highly dangerous and irresponsible by todays standards, but thankfully in my time no-one was ever injured at these events! Regards, Kevin Burn
Alsager Football Club / Old County Primary School (demolished) (17 Jun 97)Wow! I could not believe it when I searched for Alsager and found your site. I lived in Alsager up until 1983 and by pure chance found your site. It brought back many good memories and seeing the pictures was great. A little request if possible. I used to attend Alsager County Primary school (since knocked down due to Asbestos I believe) and next to it was a playing field which backed onto the brook. This is where I remember Alsager Football Club having their ground. As far as I am aware this is still true. Would it be possible to place some information about the football club/ground on the web site as I/others would find it of interest. Also I would dearly love a picture of the old footie ground. I visited Alsager two years ago and saw the new houses on my old school, and the tiles on the floor. The tiles belonged to the dining/assembly hall. The headmaster at the time I was there was Mr Bickerton, and I remember having Mrs Lee and Miss Fullbrook as teachers. One of the dinner ladies was Mrs Twigg, who used to live in Bladen Crescent near me.
Is there any kind of Alsager Mailing list/news group which is E-Mail orientated
as opposed to Internet? If so would you have information on any such subject.
Gary Noyce
PS. if I can help in any way with information about the past please let me know as I would consider it a privilege. |