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Saxon Crosses at Sandbach

The crosses were completed in the 9th Century A.D. to commemorate the advent of Christianity here in the Kingdom of Mercia about 653 A.D. in the reign of the Saxon King Penda.

The monument was eventually demolished by iconoclasts but was restored in 1816 by Sir John Egerton.

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The crosses have intricate stone carvings on the four faces.
Here is some historical information from the
'History of Sandbach and District ' by R. W. Tomlinson 1899

The monument is located in Sandbach market square in front of The Crown public house at the centre of picture.
There is a festival in the town centre every year on the May day public holiday - see Sandbach Fayre 1999 and Sandbach Fayre 2001

Last Update: 12 Dec 98

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